About Us


  • ENEOS Group

The ENEOS Group is one of Japan's leading corporate groups, with sales revenue of 15 trillion yen (equivalent to approximately 100 billion USD). Our energy and non-ferrous metals businesses span the entire value chain, from the upstream to downstream segments.



The Mission of the ENEOS Group is stated as follows in the ENEOS Group Philosophy:
“Harnessing the Earth’s power for the common good and the day-to-day life of each individual, we will contribute to the development of our communities and help to ensure a vibrant future through creation and innovation in energy, resources, and materials.”

Our Five Core Values

As a member of
the community

High ethical standards

Based on our core principles of integrity and fairness, we conduct all of our business activities in accordance with our high ethical standards.

Health, safety, and environment

We give the highest priority to health, safety and environmental initiatives, which are vital to the well-being of all living things.

day-to-day life

Focus on customers

We strive to meet the expectations and evolving needs of our valued customers and of society as a whole through the stable provision of products and services while creating new value as only we can.

For a vibrant future

Taking on challenges

Taking changes in stride, we rise to the challenge of creating new value while seeking innovative solutions for today and tomorrow.

Moving Forward

Looking to the future, we continue to grow, both as individuals and as a company, through the personal and professional development of each and every employee.



ENEOS Renewable Energy

ENEOS Corporation, as an integrated energy company, contributes to the development of a sustainable economy and society through the stable supply and effective use of company.

  • No.1
    In Japan

    Share of gasoline sales

    Approx. 50%

  • Power Generating Capacity

    2.63 GW

  • No.1
    In Asia

    Paraxylene supply capacity


    million tons per year※2

    ※2 External sales basis

JX Nippon Oil &
Gas Exploration (NOEX)

Oil and Gas Exploration and
Production Business

JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration is moving ahead with the development of petroleum and natural gas resouces, with the utmost attention to safety and the environment.

Oil and natural gas exploration,
Development, and production

in 8 countries
around the world

Crude oil and natural gas
production volume


thousand barrels per day

Proven and probable


million barrels

JX Nippon Mining
& Metals

Metals Business

JX Nippon Mining & Metals Corporation contributes to the sustainable development of society on a global scale through the stable supply and effective use of non-ferrous metal resources and products.

  • Equity-entitled copper
    mine production

    (amount of copper contained
    in copper concentrate)

    Approx.200thousand tons annually※1

    ※1 FY2022 results

  • Electronic materials

    Product lines with


    shares in global markets

  • Copper smelting and refining
    Refined copper
    production capacity

    Approx.450thousand tons annually
